Our little village and some of the going ons that transpire within.

Apr 22, 2020

Covid 12

She came in every day. Dusting, sweeping, mopping , and cooking. When the youngest came back from school with a head full of lice she fine combed them out. She loaded up their washing machine. Whites on Wednesdays and Fridays. Everything else Monday and Saturday. She handwashed their delicates. The machine would spoil the elastic or rip the lace. Her chappatis were rounder than a full moon.
 She’d even learned how to make Sorpotel and fugias. So for feast days she was called in for extra duty. Had to stay late after the guests left to wash up. Washed the windows before Christmas and brassoed the front door latch and plant holders before Easter and Christmas.
There was a police order that wearing masks outside was compulsory. Now they wanted her to wear a mask. Had to be on before she entered and stay on. 
Ok. But they should wear masks too. Wasn’t their inside her outside ?


Unknown said...

Absolutely right...

Godfrey DeSylva said...

Nicely written and very true!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with the last sentence

Navaz DCruz said...

So So good!!