Our little village and some of the going ons that transpire within.

May 4, 2008

The Philosophy of Maya.

I have a sister who married and went to distant shores to seek her fame and fortune. Yeah yeah, she just followed her husband. Soon enough unto them a little child was born. And they named her Maya. Maya comes home to Bandra once in a while. Returning from a dosa at Balajis I pointed out St. Joesph’s convent. In all its brick red glory. With the mangalore tiles on the roof. With arched windows and long corridors. This building I told Maya was were her Mom went to school. She semi glanced at it and turned to me and said “ Who cares! “ Not ‘Why is it important ‘ Not ‘ don’t be a sentimental moron’. Not ‘ I’ve seen better and bigger ‘ But “Who care’s !” Not a question. A statement.
It opened my eyes to the baggage we carry. Some of it good some of it bad.
And for the bad. For petty jealousies. For someone who didn’t say hi to us . For someone who did’nt call us for their party when we always call them for ours. For the fruit walla who gave us bad mangoes after we’ve been buying fruit from him for twenty years. For the friend who borrowed that book and dog-eared it. For the neighbour who’s son wants to give Roger Drego a run for his money in the sound business. For the maid who takes Divali holidays in January. For the boss who thinks a pay packet buys your soul. For the Uncle who won’t give you the terrace keys. For the relative who did not remember you in his will…“ Who cares!
It’s a double edged sword this philosophy of Maya’s. It cant be used as an all encompassing philosophy. But once you get the power of discernment as to what’s important and what’s not.
“That’s when you can look your devil in the eye and say ‘Who cares’!


Anonymous said...


Bunt said...


You write well , ya buggah. Brings back the taste of auntie's elaichi and Iggie's bombay black. I was just explaining the concept of Putru , just the other day , to another desi ; and I almost that that it had got extinct ... thankfully not.

Anonymous said...

Awww she scrapped with her mom?

wag said...

Well that's a useful philosophy, indeed, for unwanted baggage - but I for one will not give up 'dog eared pages' and books still unreturned - pet peeves both!!! Guess the attitude stems from living in the moment - a great way to stay young.

Anonymous said...

As my brother Brett would say "Whose father what goes"

Anonymous said...

Liked this one...I think about taking my children back to Bandra and showing them my old hangouts, but I am afraid that they will say exactly this. Or that my reminiscing will be met with eye-rolling. And I don't want to see that. I don't want to see myself (25 yrs ago) in their eyes.

DS said...

Pretty much what my Maya said when I pointed out the "red brick glory". Me, SJC class of 78. Really lovely walking the streets around school and more with you here!